I'm a big runner. I love the feeling of being accomplished and pushing myself to run harder or faster or farther. Since moving out to Vancouver, I've been running a lot outside.. when the weather allows. As of about 3 weeks ago, the weather had been rainy, or snowy, or just plain slippery (I have bruises on my hip and knee to prove it...yes, I fell.) So I've decided to take up the practice of Yoga (at Y Yoga studios)

Recently I've been really down in the dumps. I've been feeling lonely and left-out, I've been missing everyone like crazy, and I've been in a sad mood. I've only been doing yoga for a short while now, but since taking it back up (I used to do 'at home' videos and go to bikram yoga in Edmonton) I've noticed a huge change in my attitude. I've been happier, feeling healthier and more alive, and I've become more optimistic about everything. It may sounds cheesy or like it's all in my head...but really, it is all in my head, isn't it? I've been able to let all of my worries and bad feelings go away, and just think about now...i love life, so why should I waste my time thinking about the past or the future? Yes, I will continue to think about the future because it's part of life... but I'm going to put a lot more effort into thinking about the present!
"Every bad situation will have something positive. Even a stopped clock will show the correct time twice a day."